What eats deer in north carolina.Is There Anything Deer Will Not Eat?
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What eats deer in north carolina
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The five species of deer in North America are: the mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, caribou and moose. The white-tailed deer is prevalent in. › science-technology › wfu-research-investigates-nc-deer-ove. in North America: the mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose. tion in North Carolina has made a dramatic turnaround. Deer It will eat.
Deer Friendly – North Carolina
Overview. No wild animal in North Carolina is as recognizable as the white-tailed deer. Whether a mature buck with splendid antlers, a graceful doe or a. White-tailed deer consume 10 to 12 pounds of food every day. They will eat almost any vegetation: clover, grass, apples, acorns, trees (yes, trees).
White-Tailed Deer | NC State Extension Publications
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NC State Extension does not guarantee the accuracy of the translated text. Ornamental grasses like this pink muhly grass are rarely bothered by deer. High populations and disappearing woodland habitat are forcing deer to seek food in our backyards and gardens. One of the easiest ways to minimize deer damage in your yard is to landscape with plants deer prefer not to eat. While no plant is deer proof, there are many good landscape plants for this area that deer find less palatable — a solution that is both effective and relatively low-cost, once you know which plants to choose.
Like goats, deer are browsers who feed on a variety of plants, including trees and shrubs. Large trees tend to be spared simply because they are too tall for deer to reach all but the lowest branches, leaving small trees and shrubs to bear the brunt of the damage, especially in winter.
There are several trees and shrubs that have withstood the test of time and proven to be deer resistant. But most of the time these are varieties deer will pass over in favor of other plants.
Deer resistant small and medium size trees include river birch, crape myrtle, Carolina cherrylaurel, and chaste tree Vitex , all of which are tough, drought tolerant landscape plants. In shady sites try Japanese plum yew, available in both low growing and upright varieties, or dwarf palmetto or needle palm, both of which are hardy shrub forming palms.
In fact, palms as a group are rarely damaged by deer. Other hardy palms for our area include the trunk forming Chinese windmill palm, which appreciates a little shade, and the stouter, more sun tolerant palmetto palm. Though flowers are a deer favorite, there are several perennials they find less tasty and are less likely to damage.
On the whole, deer generally avoid eating ornamental grasses, which is great for gardeners since this group includes many tough, attractive and low maintenance options. There are lots of ornamental grasses available. Some of the most dependable for our area include the many varieties of Miscanthus, pink muhly grass, panic grass Panicum virgatum and hardy fountain grass Pennisetum alopecuriodes.
Another group of plants deer dislike is ferns, which are great for moist shady sites. Reliable perennial ferns for SE NC include Japanese painted fern, lady fern, and cinnamon fern, all which go dormant in the winter, as well as autumn fern, Christmas fern, holly fern, and southern shield fern, which remain evergreen throughout the year.
As well as knowing which plants deer dislike, it is equally important to know which plants are their favorites. In southeastern NC common landscape plants deer love to eat include redbud Cercis canadensis , Japanese euonymous, Indian hawthorn, pittosporums, fatsia, aucuba, arborvitae Thuja occidentalis azaleas flowers especially , roses flowers once again , ivy, Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica , hosta, daylilies, black eye Susans Rudbeckia , clematis, sweet potato vines, pansies and impatiens.
Avoid planting these deer favorites if your landscape is frequently visited by deer! Visit your local Cooperative Extension office to learn more about gardening and landscape care. Search this website search. It appears you don’t have javascript enabled. The site may not look or function as expected. Black eye susans are tough perennials, but are a favorite of deer. Share this Article Tweet this Page. Share on Facebook.
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