– Get to Know This New Injury Management Acronym – Triathlete


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The first factor in determining your RICE score is to get a sense of how many people you estimate your initiative will reach in a given timeframe. An example of calculating reach would be to tracking website users per month on an About page. You could then calculate for what to expect in terms of viewership in a quarter. It is important to use realistic measurements instead of thinking of random numbers on a whim.

This is best for insuring accuracy in data. The important question to ask when making a determination of the impact of a feature would be if it would improve conversion rates or improve ease of use.

When it comes to making a website, you may measure the benefits of having an inquiry form on the website or ensuring that the website is developed to be ADA compliant. Traditional ways of measuring the impact score would be a multiple choice scale with 3 being a massive impact and. The confidence component allows for you to measure how confident you are in the estimates for the reach and impact scores that were made regarding a specific feature. Establishing a confidence score as a component of your RICE score will allow for you and your team to have more control in projects.

This will make a determination for what features has the data to support it and what features are being reliant on intuition. While potential benefits are calculated through the Reach, Impact, and Confidence, effort is the portion of the RICE scoring model that more closely represents the cost of a feature. While there are positive factors in this, the more effort a feature requires, the worse it becomes.

So it essentially divides itself from the total impact. Calculating effort would be in a similar way as you would score for reach. The total number of resources that are needed to complete a task in a particular amount of time would be the score that you would assign it. If integrating Google calendar into a website for booking purposes takes a week of planning, three weeks to develop, and weeks of design, it would essentially be given an effort score of a 5 Person-Month.

After these numbers from Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort are calculated, you will then have your total RICE score for that particular feature within your website. Secondly, you can use a RICE framework template if you have multiple features or else you just simply:. If taking a look at your scores and you believe that one may be too high or too low, it would be a good decision to reconsider them and recalculate them by changing confidence to weight it appropriately.

Once you feel confident in all of your scores, you should be able to know which project should be prioritized first and your team will be able to begin working on its completion. The features that received lower scores would likely be a place of focus in future projects.

Evaluating the pros and cons of using the RICE method is best to be analyzed through the lens of cost vs benefits. The RICE Prioritization method is just one of many prioritization methods that product managers can implement when it comes to product development.

As a backlog prioritization framework, ICE is ideal for determining the most valuable products as well as what the most profitable task would be for your team. It was created by Shawn Ellis and designed to prioritize experiments related to growth.

Like RICE, the higher the score, the more profitable the task may be for your team. One of the primary differences between measuring ICE is that Reach and Impact typically are merged together. Whereas RICE would separate them for further analysis. The process of angiogenesis, which occurs during the phase of repair phase two of recovery process , is strongly dependent upon the concentration of VEGF-A, a key proangiogenic growth factor that is primarily located within skeletal muscle 1.

In fact, clinical studies have shown that revascularization is reduced in the skeletal muscle of animals as a result of the inhibition of VEGF-A Myostatin, a growth factor responsible for inhibiting muscle growth, has been hypothesized to play a role in muscle regeneration Hittel et al. Therefore, continuing to activate the musculature surrounding the site of trauma is required in order to maintain muscle mass and avoid the possibility of reinjuring the tissue.

There is an abundance of available information that suggests moving early in the recovery process is more beneficial than extended periods of stillness 5, 6, 36, 37, If an injury is minor, rehabilitation can begin as early as the next day, assuming there is no pain associated with the desired movements. The validity of performing bouts of active recovery has been examined in multiple studies.

One group performed active recovery sessions targeting the muscles involved in a bout of exercise while the second group performed activities targeting muscles that were not utilized during a training session. These findings support the idea that contraction of utilized tissues facilitates recovery from a training session. The recovery can likely be attributed to the fact that contraction of the tissues previously subjected to trauma enhances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which facilitates the successful evacuation of metabolic waste products from the affected area.

As a result, the process of inflammation can be completed, and the next two phases of recovery repair and remodeling can begin. MEAT movement, exercise, analgesia, treatment has been proposed as a more optimal alternative and effectively addresses the discrepancies surrounding the RICE protocol. Instead of resting an injury, this acronym suggests moving the damaged area through a range of motion that is pain free in an effort to provide the propulsive force required to adequately move lymph throughout the body.

Exercise with resistance should be the next step beyond simple movements. Campbell 6 suggests that eccentric loading should be prioritized when rehabilitating a tendon injury. Analgesia, the inability to feel pain, is the third aspect of the MEAT protocol. It is quite common for people to rely on the use of NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain management. However, it is important to note that the use of NSAIDs will not accelerate, and may actually delay, the recovery process NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, which initiate inflammation However, Tylenol can damage the liver and recommendations on a proper dosage should be followed.

The final aspect of the MEAT protocol is treatment. This is a broad category that consists of treating the individual injury using a variety of therapeutic approaches that are utilized on a patient to patient basis. Another acronym has been proposed in replace of the RICE protocol. Robinson 38 suggested the application of MOVE movement, options, vary, ease.

The movement aspect of this protocol mirrors the message from Reinl 36 and Campbell 6 , as it emphasizes the need to move early in the recovery process The theory of resting an injury while wrapping it tightly with ice to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues seems to be completely predicated upon unsubstantiated reports dating back over four decades.

The original support for the argument to ice musculoskeletal injuries was recanted in by the founding father of the RICE protocol In otherwise healthy individuals, the body is well equipped with the means to adequately remove any accumulation of fluid from the damaged site, as it contains the lymphatic system that primarily functions to perform such duties. Therefore, an extended period of rest following an injury to a tendon, ligament, or muscle is not the most optimal way to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

The notion of moving as much as possible following an injury is supported by the literature 5, 6, 30, 35, In addition, the application of ice, or cryotherapy, has been found to not only delay recovery, but to also damage tissue in the process 9, 20, 27, The evidence suggests that the application of ice is only necessary if pain reduction is the desired outcome 3, 8, 16, 19, Evidence in support of compression and elevation is lacking, as most studies are inconclusive 4, 35, 51 and fail to establish definitive application guidelines that are supported by research.

These findings, along with the public recant from Dr. Gabe Mirkin in 31 , support the premise that the RICE protocol, which is a generally preferred method of immediate treatment for acute musculoskeletal injuries, is a myth. Based on the available literature, a rehabilitation protocol for an acute athletic injury should prioritize pain free movement through a full range of motion as early as possible and gradually progress to higher intensities and more complex movements.

In addition, the healthcare professional should evaluate the individual injury and work with the patient or athlete to decide which therapeutic modalities are most appropriate. If a patient or athlete believes that compression or elevation is beneficial to their recovery process then the two modalities can be used, as it has been purported that there are no adverse side effects associated with their application.

The method and duration of the compression should be at the discretion of the healthcare professional, as no definitive guidelines have been purported. However, there should be little to no utilization of ice or NSAIDs, unless the only desired outcome is pain reduction. Table 1: Summarization of publications that support the use of any aspect of the R.

Table 2: Summarization of publications that refute any aspect of the R. E Protocol. Previous Next. The R. Key words: R. According to Meeusen and Lievens 27 When ice is applied to a body part for a prolonged period, nearby lymphatic vessels begin to dramatically increase their permeability. Compression and Elevation Compression is commonly used with the objective of stopping hemorrhage and reducing swelling A More Optimal Approach: Active Recovery There is an abundance of available information that suggests moving early in the recovery process is more beneficial than extended periods of stillness 5, 6, 36, 37, Ugeskr Laeger, 8.

Cryotherapy for acute ankle sprains: A randomized controlled study for two different icing protocols. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40 8 , Doi: Open Access J Sports Med, 1, Loading of healing bone, fibrous tissue, and muscle: Implications for orthopedic practice. Journal of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 7 5 , Goodmed Direct Primary Care.

Concise pathology 3 rd ed. Collins NC. Is ice right? Does cryotherapy improve outcome for acute soft tissue injury? Emerg Med J, 25 2 , Effect of cryotherapy on muscle recovery and inflammation following a bout of damaging exercise.

European Journal of Applied Physiology, , — Comprehensive biomaterials. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science. Gustafsson, G. Exercise- induced expression of angiogenesis- related transcription and growth factors in human skeletal muscle.

H Guyton, A. Textbook of Medical Physiology 10 th ed. Saunders, Philadelphia. The role of compression in the management of soft tissue injuries: A systemic review. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol, 25 6 , Med Sci Sports Exerc, 42 11 , Contraction-induced secretion of VEGF from skeletal muscle cells is mediated by adenosine. Does cryotherapy hasten return to participation?

A systemic review. J Athl Train, 39 1 , Does cryotherapy improve outcomes with soft tissue injury? J Athl Train.

Recent advance in lymph dynamic: Analysis in lymphatics and lymph nodes. Annals of Vascular Diseases, 5 3 , Acute soft tissue injuries- A review of the literature. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 18 5 , Cold-induced vasoconstriction may persist long after cooling ends: an evaluation of multiple cryotherapy units. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 23 9 , — The right arm of Eddy Knowles. Retrieved from medicaltreats. Koshland Science Museum. Tracing similarities and differences in our DNA.

Sports-Induced Inflammation. Linlin, C. Inflammatory responses and inflammation- associated diseases in organs. Oncotarget, 9 6 , Macrophages recruited via CCR2 produce insulin-like growth factor-1 to repair acute skeletal muscle injury. Ice therapy: How good is the evidence? International Journal of Sports Medicine, 22 5 , doi: The use of cryotherapy in sports injuries. Sports Medicine. Non-freezing cold injury in soldiers. Harefuah, 12 : , Secondary injury after musculoskeletal trauma: A review and update.

Journal of Athletic Training, 37 2 : Comparison of two different modes of active recovery on muscles performance after fatiguing exercise in mountain canoeist and football players.

PloS one, 11 Why ice delays recovery. Dr Gabe Mirkin on Health. Retrieved from www. Inhibition of the migration of MCP-1 positive cells by icing applied soon after crush injury to rat skeletal muscle. Acta Histochemica, 3. Malt, 70, is dead; Innovator in reattaching limb. OpenStax College. The Illusionary Treatment Option, 2 nd ed.

United States of America: G. Reinl Reinl, G. University of British Columbia. Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats.

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2 , Myostatin in muscle growth and repair. Exercise and Sport Science Reviews, 29 4 , J Physiol Sci, 66 4 , Effects of topical icing on inflammation, angiogenesis, revascularization, and myofiber regeneration in skeletal muscle following contusion injury. Frontiers in Physiology, Volume 8, Stovitz, S. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 31 1 , Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 6 4 , Current literature review.

Lakartidiningen, 98 13 , An Alternative to Conventional R.



New rice growing method is environmentally friendly and more effective.PEACE and LOVE protocol to replace RICE protocol (Rest Ice Compress and Elevate)


Posted on April 20, April 20, by Hunter Dulay. Researchers around the world continue to update our agricultural practices to preserve freshwater, increase crop production, and reduce the production of harmful gasses. One important crop of interest is rice. If you have ever driven by a large rice field, you likely would have seen many tall plants in a flooded paddy. There are over million hectares of flooded rice paddies around the world, which is traditionally the best way to grow rice.

Flooding prevents weeds from invading rice fields as their roots suffocate under water. On the other hand, rice and other wetland plants can survive in oxygen-poor anaerobic soils due to spongy tubes called aerenchyma that allow for the transport of oxygen from the leaves down to the roots. However, rice paddies use a lot of freshwater, which is a problem during droughts.

All of these gasses are known to contribute to climate change. To address these issues, a team of scientists from the Netherlands and Italy set out to study an alternate wetting and drying irrigation practice.

This method has been shown in previous studies to both preserve water and increase the amount of oxygen in the fields. As a result, it seems to produce greater yields of rice that are richer in nutrients than the traditional flooding method. Yield and nutrient density can sometimes be affected by the type of microbes living in the paddies, so the team set out to test if this was indeed the case here.

The team set up 4 fields for the traditional flooding method and 4 fields for the alternating method. Each field had 12 different plots seeded with European rice species. Once the seeds began to grow, all plots were flooded with a few inches of water until the plants reached the three-leaves stage. At this point, the alternate wetting and drying plots were allowed to naturally dry out until they reached a water pressure of kPa the pressure at about 25 centimeters, or 10 inches before being re-flooded and left to dry out again.

Just before the flowering stage, the scientists collected soil samples from the roots of rice plants and from the soil further out in the fields, called bulk soil, to collect bacterial DNA. From the 24 rice plant roots and bulk soil samples, the scientists were able to identify nearly 23, types of microbes. By comparing the different microbe groups in the bulk soil and in the root soil, it was found that the bulk soil was more diverse.

This was unsurprising as plants often create environments for a select few partner microbes to grow in. However, when comparing the soils of flooding and alternating fields, there were several key differences. While drying had little effect on how many different microbes were present in the root soil, there was a change in which microbes were present.

Drying out the soils introduced oxygen, increasing the amount of oxygen-loving microbes known for promoting plant growth. The increase in oxygen decreased the amount of anaerobic microbes that are often major producers of greenhouse gasses.

Interestingly, the number of different microbes in the bulk soil did not change between flooding or alternating irrigation methods. The scientists suspect that the bulk soil microbes are used to the seasonal changes in moisture. Farmers will often flood their fields during the growing season and then let their fields dry out in the off season.

After centuries of these seasonal changes, the farmers have selected for microbes that are adapted to resist long periods of drought. Because the root microbes were more sensitive to changes in irrigation methods, the scientists hypothesize that these microbes may be the key to healthier, more nutritious rice. With the findings of this study, future work can be done to address the growing human population and better adapt our agricultural practices to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Original study : Effect of water management on microbial diversity and composition in an Italian rice field system. Raw data availability : Not apparently available. Email author for questions. Featured image credit : Photo by Jeff Youngstrom. Hunter Dulay. Image Credit: Photo by Jeff Youngstrom. By Hunter Dulay. Previous Post: One step closer to wearable electronics.


– What is the new rice method

› the-new-meaning-of-peace-and-love. The long-used R.I.C.E. method may not be the best way to treat an acute injury. The acronym stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

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